In Obama’s Final Year, He Spent A STAGGERING Amount On Lawyers To Hide Records From The Public

It’s a terribly sad fact that Obama is going to be known as the most disruptive President in American history, but it’s a fact that people are going to have to face.

On top of all of it, the Obama Administration will also have the dubious distinction of being the least transparent as well.

In order to defend his unwillingness to turn of records under the Freedom of Information Act, Obama spend over thirty six million dollars in legal costs his last year in office.

Added to that, he showed extremely hostile and poor performance in several other facets of leadership showing that his lack of transparency wasn’t just a fleeing thing.

Not one time, but two consecutive years we were able to see the Obama administration set a record for the number of times federal employees told the public that they could not find a single piece of information that was requested.

This clearly sets the record straight for the corruption and the outright denial of access to files.

The government acknowledged that it was wrong in refusing to turn over all parts of records for at least six years and now it’s time Obama is seen for the monster he truly is. 

According to 100percentfedup: Of the $36.2 million in legal costs fighting such lawsuits last year, the Justice Department accounted for $12 million, the Homeland Security Department for $6.3 million and the Pentagon for $4.8 million. The three departments accounted for more than half the government’s total records requests last year.

The figures reflect the final struggles of the Obama administration during the 2016 election to meet President Barack Obama’s pledge that it was “the most transparent administration in history,” despite wide recognition of serious problems coping with requests under the information law. It received a record 788,769 requests for files last year and spent a record $478 million answering them and employed 4,263 full-time FOIA employees across more than 100 federal departments and agencies. That was higher by 142 such employees the previous year.

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