The ‘Votes’ Are In On Trump’s Use of Troops To Stop Caravan … America Has Spoken!

Like most things, you can take the issue of the migrant caravan that is heading towards the United States and break it down to something that every person can understand.

The migrant caravan that has traveled for all this distance using seemingly every conveyance save for a pack of African elephants is going to be arriving imminently and for people to think that every last one of those people are going to sit calmly while the asylum process would be undertaken? Heck no!

There are going to be people that run across no matter what. Now, let’s break this down to an everyday level. Say you find out a week in advance that you are going to have some friends over for dinner. You ask them maybe what they’d like.

During the week you might buy all of the things to make this meal, when they get to your house everyone eats and has a good time. End of story there.

On the other hand, if someone breaks into your house and starts going through your refrigerator they shouldn’t be surprised if you pick them up and toss them out on their rear.

By now, we’re all familiar with the migrant caravan that is making its way to the southern border of the United States, with the intention of entering illegally.

Last week, President Trump announced that he would be sending military troops to the border in an effort to stop the migrant caravan from entering the country. The mainstream media wasted no time in attacking the President’s move, going so far as to insinuate that the American people were totally against it as well.

As Conservative Tribune points out, liberals tend to get angry when we call them “illegal immigrants.” The news source writes,“’Migrants,’ really. Or ‘refugees,’ fleeing from a life of deprivation in Honduras — a deprivation so great they can’t even seek asylum in neighboring countries like Mexico or Guatemala, they have to come here.”

The mainstream media has assumed the role of morality police, insinuating that anyone who agrees with President Trump’s move to send troops to the border is a heartless human being.

The problem is that when polled, the American people had a very different outlook on the President’s move.

Conservative Tribune writes: According to a survey released by Zogby on Friday, a clear 57 percent of likely voters think that sending troops to the border to stop the caravan is a good idea.

That would be enough of a surprise by itself, but here’s another kicker: Over half of Hispanics also agree with the plan.

President Trump has thus far proposed up to 15,000 troops to secure the southern border. The first wave is arriving to reinforce the international bridge in Hidalgo, Texas, according to NBC News.

“We’ll go up to anywhere between 10,000 and 15,000 military personnel on top of border patrol, ICE, and everybody else at the border. Nobody’s coming in,” Trump told reporters.

According to a new Zogby Analytics nationwide survey conducted between 10/30/18-10/31/18 among 866 likely voters (with a minimal margin of error of just +/-3.3%) it was shown that “a majority (57%) of Americans support the military’s decision to send thousands of troops to the border to prevent a migrant caravan, numbered in the thousands, from entering the U.S. illegally. More than two in five disagree with the military deployment to the border.”

“Among political parties, Democrats were most likely to disagree (69%), but 31% of Democrats did agree with sending troops to the U.S. – Mexico border,” the survey explained. “Republicans overwhelmingly support (91%) sending the military to the border. Independents were also in support of sending the military (53%), while 47% disagreed. Men were much more supportive–43% strongly agreed, and 66% agreed overall (strongly and somewhat agree combined). Women were split 50/50 on the deployment of troops.”

For those thinking that identity politics had anything to do with anything, this next part was a slap in the face.

“Ethnicity was another area where there was more agreement than expected. A majority of African-Americans disagree (59%) compared to 41% who agree,” Zogby explained. “Interestingly, 51% of Hispanic respondents agree with the deployment of troops to the border to halt the migrant caravan; slightly less than half (49%) disagree. Also, 30% of Hispanics strongly agree compared to 28% who strongly disagree. It must also be noted that the sample of Hispanic respondents carries a larger margin of error (+/-10%), but nonetheless, the numbers do represent a significant finding.”

It was also found that across geographic regions, support didn’t vary much.

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