Sarah Sanders Just Took A Rolled Up Newspaper And Hit Acosta Right On The Nose!

One of the things that many people mainly liberals, tend to misunderstand about their rights as free Americans is that they think that they can say anything that they want without any repercussions at all.

Hardly the case. While the First Amendment protects you from criminal prosecution for what you say except for in very extreme circumstances, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t be subject to have to deal with other problems as a result.

For example if a member of your family comes into your home and calls some horrible name, they can’t be charged with anything for that. However, it doesn’t mean that you are legally obligated to sit their and listen to them. So you kick them out of your house and tell them to never come back.

After repeated harassment from Jim Acosta, his latest dispute with President Trump was the last straw and the White House suspended his credentials which lead to CNN filing a lawsuit against the Trump administration.

Jim Acosta didn’t allow for the mic to be passed to other reporters who also had questions for the President and went as far as “karate chopping” a female intern’s arm as she tried to take the mic.

This is the main reason Sarah Sanders cited as to why someone like Acosta didn’t need credentials to have access to the president.

U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly stated that there was no due process in taking Acosta’s credentials and added that Sanders’ remarks about the way Acosta touched the intern were  “likely untrue and at least partly based on evidence that was of questionable accuracy.”

Sanders was understandably frustrated with the Judge’s decision to restore Acosta’s credentials after the way he continues to act at the White House.

On the “Hannity” show Sanders commented that they support freedom of the press but they do not support the “freedom to be disruptive, freedom to be rude, freedom to interrupt.”

The White House is now putting forward “Standard Practices” that I think should be named after Jim Acosta. Think of these as the same type of class rules elementary school students need to stay in line.

Sanders said on Friday that the White House is developing further “rules and processes to ensure fair and orderly press conferences in the future.” She shared the basic minimum requirement for a reporter attending:

“The very basic minimum is that if certain reporters like Jim Acosta can’t be adults, then CNN needs to send somebody in there who can be.”

Watch below:

“Freedom of the press doesn’t mean freedom to the White House.” 


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